Consultation Report
The Global Tailings Review presented a draft Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management for public consultation in late 2019 to invite feedback from stakeholders.
The draft was made available in seven languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese and Russian, and the public consultation ran from the 15th November 2019 until the 1st January 2020.
Participation in the consultation process was facilitated via email, an online portal, a number of webinars and through a total of 21 workshops in Australia, Chile, China, Ghana, Kazakhstan and South Africa. More than 600 individuals and organisations provided feedback.
The Global Tailings Review team commissioned Traverse, an independent organisation specialising in consultation delivery, analysis and reporting to manage the consultation data from the online responses and the in-country workshops.
Download the Global Tailings Review Consultation report for full details of the consultation process, the feedback received and how this was addressed in the final draft of the Standard.
You can view individual submissions to the Global Tailings Review below:
Data Protection
All responses received were processed by Traverse on behalf of the Global Tailings Review for the purpose of creating a summary report of responses to the consultation on the Global Tailings Review draft Standard. The Global Tailings Review team had access to all responses submitted via this survey questionnaire and the consultation report includes quotes used to help illustrate the points being summarised. Those responding on behalf of an organisation who may have been quoted are listed with the organisation’s name. Those responding as individuals who may have been quoted are listed as ‘Individual’. Not all organisations and individuals have been quoted. Responses were not used for any other purpose or passed on to any third parties. All responses that have been published were done so with express written permission from each participant.
All data was stored securely by Traverse who can be contacted via the address below.
Data Protection Officer
252B Gray’s Inn Road