Email responses
A dedicated email address was created for the consultation process. The GTR website contained a link and emails were accepted as a response channel to make responding easier, especially for those with an intermittent internet connection. Allowing email submissions also made responding easier for those who wished to submit responses in alternative formats (reports, letters, other document formats).
Adam Poplawski
Alberta Chamber of Resources
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Brian Kohler
Buka Environmental
Canadian Dam Association
Charles Dumaresq
Divisao de Resposta a Desastres da RMR-PE
Douglas Upton
Prof Elaine Baker
Fanus van Wyk
Federation of Indian Mineral Industries
Gary Edwards
Governo de Mato Grosso
Graham Fairbairn
Harvey McLeod
Henry Brehaut
Hub Minero
Human Rights Law Centre
Initative for Responsible Mining Assurance
Institute for Human Rights and Business
Institute Brasileiro de Mineração
International Council on Mining and Metals
International Finance Corporation
Karara Mining Ltd
Kinross Gold Corporation
Klohn Crippen Berger
Dr Kym L Morton
Laurie Reemeyer
Leandro Herrera Zeppelin
Local Authority Pension Fund
London Mining Network
Malach Consulting
Michael Dillon
Minerals Council of Australia
Minerals Council South Africa
Mining Association of Canada
MiningWatch Canada
Northern Confluence Initiative
Osvaldo Ramírez Farías
Pacific Road Capital
Principles for Responsible Investment
Dr Ranveer Singh Mahwar
The Honourable Rosa Galvez
Saskatchewan Mining Association
Dr Sheahan Bestel
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundry Commission – Salmon Beyond Borders
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
Sustainable Minerals Institute
Swiss Federal Agency for the Environment
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions
Dr Tilman Rasche
Tim Gentle
Transparency International Australia
United Nations Environment Programme
Zhou Hanmin